Progression to Masters
Choose from over 100 partner universities around the world
Here's a searchable list of our Exchange Partners. Use the filters to find universities relevant to you. Note: This information is a guide only and subject to change. We recommend you do your own research via the partner website and that you subscribe to our Learning Abroad notices to see who is offering virtual opportunities.
A master’s degree can help you:

Diversifying your career path or enhancing your specialization with a master’s degree program abroad at partner universities gives you an excellent opportunity.
A master’s progression program is specifically designed for students of Presidency University who aspire to pursue their studies overseas. This program aims to enhance your academic knowledge and English proficiency, ensuring you achieve the necessary qualifications required for university admissions. Additionally, master’s progression pathway programs offer specialist emotional and practical support to help you smoothly transition abroad.
Search Partners
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
La Trobe University, Australia
ESDES School of Business and Management, France
ESDES School of Business and Management, France
ESDES School of Business and Management, France

Progression To Master’s Degree At
3+2 / 5+1.5: By this mode of program, B. Tech students can pursue their master's degree at partner universities with the advantage of shorter time duration, reduced tuition fee, etc.
5+1.5: By this mode of program, BBA/B. Com/BCA/BA students can pursue their master's degree at partner universities with the advantage of a shorter time duration, a reduced tuition fee, etc.
Direct Masters: Students who have completed their bachelor’s degree program will pursue their master’s degree at partner universities with the advantage of a shorter time duration and a reduced tuition fee.