International Visiting Faculty
This program aims to connect students and faculty with international professors for international exposure at home. The objective of the program is to give students exposure to new trending topics and the latest technologies in the fields of engineering, technology, business studies, and law. Through this program, students get the opportunity to attend lectures by eminent professors at the Presidency campus and observe the different content delivery methodologies. Outstanding students have more possibilities of getting selected for internships or fully or partially funded master's or PhD programs abroad.
Presidency University Invites International Faculty to offer short term courses
Applications are invited from International Faculty members with Ph.D. who are currently working at a premier university or in reputed research organizations.
The objective of the program is to educate students and faculty of Presidency University on the latest technologies in the fields of engineering, technology, business studies, and law, and also to identify areas for possible joint research.
International Faculty
Presidency University boasts a panel of visiting international faculty from prestigious universities worldwide. With their rich exposure to international pedagogy, these academic luminaries will drive the exchange of knowledge and ideas across domains. This collaborative approach creates a vibrant teaching-learning environment, fostering dynamic educational experiences for our students.
Dr. Fauziah Ahmad Honorary Professor at the School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sans Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
Dr. D. A. Wang Distinguished Professor Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Dr. Saad Mekhilef Distinguished Professor, School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Dr. John Thøgersen Professor Department of Management Aarhus University, Denmark
Dr. Hee Yong Youn Endowed Professor College of Software Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Dr. Ahmed Abdelgawad Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Central Michigan University
Dr Ahmad Jais Alimin Professor Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Dr. Lung-Jieh Yang Professor, Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Prof. Dr. Beate Bergé and Prof. Dr. Konstantin Hassemer, HTWG Konstanz, Germany; delivering technical sessions to students of management
Prof. Dr. Gunter Voigt and Prof. Dr. Matthias Werner, HTWG Konstanz, Germany interacting with the faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Presidency University
Dr. R. Jothi Basu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been invited by HTWG Konstanz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany for a one-week short-term visiting faculty program. This program is fully funded by DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service, with the purpose of understanding the teaching methods and culture in Germany and promoting the same among Presidency students.