Cultural Clubs

Cultural Clubs


Dance Club

Finding the beat in your feet

Dance, a performing art, consists of movement sequences either improvised or carefully chosen. The club's goal would be to study and use kinesthetic skills to improve interpersonal communications, overcome introversion, and improve performing arts skills, rhythm, and coordination.


Music Club

Musical expressions

The music club welcomes all music enthusiasts, whether they love singing or playing any musical instruments. There are many club activities where students can participate and follow their passions in music.


Fashion & Design Club

Elevating Fashion, Celebrating Design

The fashion club aims to develop a fresh perspective on fashion and boost the confidence and personality development of its members. The club aims to enhance the fashion design skills of students and create a platform for them to explore the world of fashion through fashion shows and competitions.


Theatrical Society

Lights on, action!

This club invites all theater-loving people to come and indulge in the world of theatrics and perform under the arc lights to perfection. Learn the art of acting and performing on stage through the creative club activities around the year.
