Machine Shop
The machine shop has all machinery and measuring instruments to industrial standards. The machine shop consists of Cylindrical bay, which includes machinery like a heavy-duty all-gear lathe with DRO, a CNC lathe, a copy turning attachment, and cylindrical grinding. Surface Bay: CNC Milling, Surface Grinding, Universal Milling, Drilling and Milling Machine with DRO, etc. Sheet Metal work:a Power press of 30 MT for sheet metal and structural metal works Resource room, Tool crib, and Standard room— cabin storage of raw materials and other consumables.
Machine Shop Space

Fluid Mechanics Lab
Spread across 300 square meters, the lab consists of many minor and major equipment, like a computerized wind tunnel, a Francis Turbine, a Kaplan Turbine, a Pelton wheel, etc.
Metrology Lab
Spread across 100 square meters with a dedicated room for CMM Equipped with necessary instruments with industrial standards like an industrial-grade CMM with software, a profile projector, Slip gauges, Tool dynamometers, etc.
300 sq
Fluid Mechanics Lab
100 sq
Metrology Lab
Mechanical Design Lab
The lab is spread across 100 Sq. meter with all necessary design equipment like Journal Bearing Apparatus, Whirling of Shaft with different end bearings, Forced Damped Vibration of spring mass system, Curved Beams, Motorized Gyroscope, etc.
Mechatronics Lab
The lab is spread across 100 square meters with an advanced basic pneumatic trainer kit along with a workbench, an advanced electro pneumatic trainer kit along with a workbench, a computerized data logging system with control of pressure flow and temperature, Hydraulics and Pneumatics Simulation software "Autosim 200", etc.
Energy Conversion Engineering Lab
The lab is spread across 200 square meters with a variable compression diesel engine test rig, a computer-based multi-cylinder 4-stroke petrol engine test rig, a multi-cylinder diesel engine test rig with a hydraulic dynamometer, various types of engine cut-sections, the electrical layout of automobiles, a research engine with computer logging to do research on blended and biofuels, emission norms, etc.
Heat and Mass transfer Lab
The lab is spread across 200 square meters with various equipment like Heat transfer from Pin Fin apparatus, Heat transfer in forced convection, Unsteady state of heat transfer, Emissivity apparatus, Stefan Boltzmann apparatus, Dropwise and film wise condensation apparatus, Thermal conductivity of metal rod, Thermal conductivity of insulating powder, Thermal conductivity of liquids, Parallel flow and counter flow heat transfer. There are 12 computerized set-ups to study the experiments at the research level.

3D modeling software Solid Works 2022 with 500 user licenses with AMC and a software partner for software updates, Workshops, seminars, online tests for international certification, etc.

Foundry, Forging, and Welding Lab
The lab is spread across 200 square meters with various types of foundry tools like an LPG Furnace, Match plate pattern, Octagon block fixed, Moisture content tester, Molding box 12"x12"x4" Cope & Drag, Pelton wheel cup pattern (aluminum), Permeability tester, Shear strength Tester, Sieve analysis test setup size, Tensile strength Attachment, Universal sand testing machine, etc. Welding equipment like Arc welding, gas welding, MIG welding, TIG welding, and spot welding with nondestructive testing equipment.