Civil Lab
The department has state-of-the-art labs and has built excellent experimental and computational facilities in the fields of Surveying and Photogrammetry, Soil Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Concrete technology, and Structural Engineering.

Electrical & Electronics Lab
The department of Electrical & Electronics engineering has a spacious modern lab facility for the practical learning sessions of students. The lab is under the supervision of academic staff and laboratory personnel with extensive expertise in the relevant fields.

Mechanical Engineering Lab
In terms of space and equipment and is handled by well-experienced faculty members and laboratory staff. The laboratory equipment will aid classroom teaching, laboratory experiments, student project work, and student-faculty-company research activities.
Petroleum Engineering Lab
Theory courses for better understanding of the subject matter and to get the hands-on experience. Laboratories of geology, Production, drilling, reservoir and simulation are well equipped with the advanced equipment to perform experiments. There are seven specialized labs in the laboratory namely