The department of Electrical & Electronics engineering has a spacious modern lab facility for the practical learning sessions of students. The lab is under the supervision of academic staff and laboratory personnel with extensive expertise in the relevant fields. The lab equipment will help students to perform experiments, projects, and faculty-student-industry research.
There are five divisions of labs used for various practical learning. They are Electrical Machine Lab is spread over a 200-square-feet space with an accommodating capacity of 60 students, and the machine shop is equipped with all the machinery and measuring instruments up to industrial standards. In this lab, students can build and test various electrical machines, including generators, motors, alternators, and transformers. By using the modern technology of a Data Acquisition Card (DAC), students can observe and analyze the performance of the machines.

Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation Lab
Are spread over a 200-square-feet space with a capacity to accommodate 60 students. The lab delves deep into the understanding and measurement of electrical quantities, allowing students to explore voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, and beyond, unraveling the mysteries of electricity through practical experimentation. Moreover, students will gain practical skills in using a wide range of instruments, including voltmeters, ammeters, oscilloscopes, and signal generators. They will also have access to advanced tools such as NI ELVIS Hardware, NI My RIO (AH), NI DAQ, and more.
Power Electronics / Control Systems Labs
Spans a 200-square-feet space with a capacity to accommodate 60 students. The Power Electronics Lab provides students opportunities to design, build, and test power electronic circuits and systems. Here, students can explore the crucial role of power electronics in enhancing energy efficiency and enabling precise control across diverse applications. Gain practical insights into power conversion, motor drives, renewable energy systems, and more using advanced models such as the DC Motor Using IGBT & MOSFET Chopper Testing Module, Impulse Commutated Chopper Testing Module, Series and Parallel Inverter Module Testing Unit, and more.

Electrical CAD Lab
Spans a 200-square-feet space with a capacity to accommodate 60 students. Experience the transformative power of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in the field of electrical engineering, specifically with AutoCAD Electrical. The Electrical CAD Lab is equipped with a 60-user license for AutoCAD Electrical, and the department also offers a value-added course on this subject.

Power System Simulation Lab
Spans a 200-square-feet space with a capacity to accommodate 60 students. Students can analyze system stability, fault response, load flow, and dynamic behavior, unraveling the intricacies of power system operation. The lab is equipped with modern tools like Mi-Power and MATLAB, with the lab equipped with a 30-user license of Mi-Power and a 60-user license of MATLAB software.