Department of Petroleum Engineering has laboratories for conducting laboratory integrated
Theory courses for better understanding of the subject matter and to get the hands-on experience. Laboratories of geology, Production, drilling, reservoir and simulation are well equipped with the advanced equipment to perform experiments. There are seven specialized labs in the laboratory namely

- Reservoir Engineering Lab This lab is used to gain practical learning of reservoir description and fluid characterization. The lab mainly has a Core flooding system with high pressure pump up to 5000psi, water analyzer, Liquid Permeameter, Gas permeameter, BHP chart apparatus with microscope etc.
- Drilling Fluids and Cements LabThis lab is where students learn practical aspects of testing drilling fluids. The lab is equipped with machines such as ACRON 5 Portable pH meter, 6-Speed viscometer (Petropath India Pvt. Ltd.), OFITE Sherometer, Differential sticking tester (FANN) etc.
- Reservoir Simulation and Modelling Lab This lab is used to teach students the computerization of simulation of reservoir. The software used is CMG (Computer Modelling Group) Ltd Calgary, Canada.
- Oil and Gas Processing Plant Design LabThe software used in this lab is Unisim design academic program which helps students to understand the various procedures in oil and gas processing.
- Petroleum Testing Lab This lab is where students learn how to test and evaluate the quality measures of petroleum. The various Equipements used in lab include Abbe refractometer, Digital saybolt viscometer, Redwood viscometer –1 & 2, Single distillation, Magnetic stirrer etc.
- Petroleum Geology Lab As the name suggests in this lab, the students learn the geological aspects of petroleum. The lab is equipped with Rock specimens, Ore minerals, 3D geographical models, Mohs scale of hardness etc.
- Process Control Lab In this lab students are taught to test the quality standards of petroleum. The lab is equipped with Flow process trainer PID controller, Interacting and Non-Interacting system, Pressure control trainer PID, Tow tank interacting system, Time constant of manometer etc.