Importance of University Placement Cell


The professional world is tough. There’s widespread competition for jobs, and not everyone gets a great opportunity. With their final semester already and on their mind, the students can be under a lot of pressure when it comes to placements. It can be very tough for the students mentally. That is why a university needs to have a good placement cell in place.

University placements cells will help students prepare for their upcoming step into the professional world, and also help relieve a major part of the stress they have. They have been established by the university mainly as a place for guidance that will help them get placed in a job profile they want according to their qualifications and skills. Along with preparation, university placement cells help get the right people to the right place. If left alone, students could really hamper their careers by getting into the wrong place. Therefore, the importance of a good place cell cannot be stressed enough.

Bridge the Gap

As mentioned before, placement cells have to get the right people into the right place. Yes, there are many jobs in the market, but there is also a lot of talent and these need to be matched correctly. Students can have preconceived notions about which company they want to work in, or what kind of salary they want to get. Many a time, these notions are far-fetched, as being students they do not really have an idea of what is going on the industry. Here again, the placement cells have a job to illuminate them about the realities of the situation, and show the right place where they fit.

One of the best things a placement cell can do for student is to prepare them. Interviews are tough, and one bad interview can shatter the confidence of even the best students. So, through mock interviews, through counseling, and provide them with tips for confidence during an interview, the placement cells can do a really good job of preparing them mentally.

Another way placement cells help is by increasing their awareness. Though students might be good with theoretical knowledge, they also have to know about the current industry conditions. Placement cells help students know about the industry they are getting into. They will be heading out into the professional world with a lot more awareness and preparation.

Employment Opportunities

This is, of course, the main aim of a placement cell – getting students placed in good companies, where they can start their careers. Campus placements are the first place where students get an in-depth look into the professional world. They also get a clearer idea of what they are going to do. Interacting with industry professionals is always great and therefore, placement cells have to get the best companies for placement drives. This also helps in educated people get into the right jobs and helps the reputation of the college on a micro level and the economy and reputation of the country on a macro level.

Presidency University has a fabulous placement cell that is run by students and faculty. For the current placement drive, they have got some of the biggest companies in the country, and complete 100% placement result of the students in all streams is expected. Therefore, if you want a great career working in your dream company, be a part of Presidency University today! Get in touch with us for enquiries.
