Speech Analysis of Language 2 (L2) Learners Using Podcasts

Speaking skills are regarded as complex because language needs to be produced in real time and requires simultaneous listening and comprehension. Therefore, the process of speaking involves various aspects of communicative competence, including non-linguistic resources; it is heavily reliant on the situational context, and it must take account of the broader cultural and social milieu.
Recent research into L2 speaking skills has demonstrated the possibility of manipulating task specifications such as planning time, content familiarity, task repetition, teacher-talk, and other affective factors to enhance speaking skills in L2 in a native-speaking context. Nonetheless, studies related to the development of L2 speaking skills among multilingual language users in countries, which were once under colonial rule and resorted to the development of English language use as L2, continue to remain in a lacuna in the field of L2 speaking studies.
The Department of Languages has initiated a seed grant project to explore this research area. The HoD of the department, Dr. Neha Jain, inaugurated the project on March 24, 2023. She promised that the project would open new vistas in speech analysis research. Dr. Shibily Nuaman VZ is the principal investigator (PI), and Mr. Javed Pervej Nasiry is the co-principal investigator (CO-PI) of the project.
The investigators have started three Spotify channels to broadcast poem recitation, narration, and group discussion by multilingual speakers at the Presidency University.Interested contributors are requested to contact the investigators.
Dr. Shibily Nuaman VZ (9446291720,
Mr. Javed Pervej Nasiry (7685875970,