Union Budget Session 2023-24

A session on the Union Budget 2023–24 was organised by the School of Management, Presidency University, on 28th February 2023, for job seekers and entrepreneurs. The session was held in the auditorium on campus and was attended by 200 students. The panellists were Dr. Jacob Crasta, Founder & Chairman of the CME Group of Companies; Dr. Kala Seetharam, Professor & Head, Centre for Research in Urban Affairs (ISEC); Mr. Sachin Gourav, Sr. General Manager, FOSROC Chemicals India Pvt Ltd; and Mr. Nataraja Nanjundaiah, Lead Chartered Accountant. Welcoming the gathering, Dr. Akhila R. Udupa, Head, School of Management, stressed the importance of young job seekers and entrepreneurs understanding the health of the economy. Dr. Prachi Beriwala, Associate Professor, SoM, introduced the panel of speakers, whose response to the budget was mixed. The speakers highlighted the possible growth of various sunrise industries and also suggested that a higher budget allocation would have been effective for the education sector, as necessitated by NEP implementation. The panel was moderated by Dr. Syed Mohammad Ghouse, Associate Professor, SOM. Students participated enthusiastically and raised many pertinent questions. The lively event concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Nalin Kumar C., Associate Professor, SoM.