
Outbound Training

Outbound training was organized at the University sports ground from 27th to 30th December 2022 for first-semester SOC students as a part of the Stress Management and Well-Being course (PPS 1008)

Ms. Nisha A., Instructor in charge of the course, organized the training along with student coordinators Vishwas, and Dhanush soft skills trainers Mr. C Naganathan, Mr. Harsha E and Ms. Anitha NS. The training focused on building team spirit among students and developing interpersonal skills. The activities were a blend of team-building exercises and stress-busting activities. Approximately 400 students participated in the training from different specializations like BBA Aviation, Digital marketing, E-commerce, Business analytics, B. Com Professionals and Honours.


Students participated with a lot of enthusiasm and were engaged in all the activities. The training helped the students relieve their stressors and nourish their interpersonal skills. After the training, students were asked to share their learnings, for which they said that since exams were nearby, the outbound training helped them relieve their stress. They had a wonderful experience coming out of their classrooms, feeling relaxed by taking part in all the activities. They felt that their personal and intragroup relations improved after the training. They understood why it is imperative to be a team player and harness each other’s core competencies.