Hackeye Club

Hackeye Club
On May 3, 2023, the HACKEYE club organized its first event with Mr. Ujwal K as the chief guest for the session. He is the founder of various companies, like Chillitray and Zintlr. He has built the services agency to over a million dollars in revenue and is growing continually. He’s currently bootstrapping his product, which is valued very highly by several investors globally. It deals with intelligence related to millions of companies globally, which can help with actionable sales outreach and easier conversions. He also built Mr. Pentester, a security sub-org within his agency, which was also a finalist in Elevate Karnataka by the government of Karnataka. Mentioned in the hall of fame of various brands globally, the agency has a 100% track record in incident response and has saved tens of millions for customers by helping them hit back after they were hacked. Besides, he’s personally worked with hundreds of companies globally, including Fortune 500 companies, to secure them. He has also helped secure the infrastructure of the government of India and other governments globally.