Importance of University Placement Cell


The professional world is tough. There’s widespread competition for jobs, and not everyone gets a great opportunity. With their final semester already and on their mind, the students can be under a lot of pressure when it comes to placements. It can be very tough for the students mentally. That is why a university needs […]

Future Job Scope of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Future Job Scope of Electronics and Communication Engineering

The world has become smaller thanks to electronics and communication. Just a few decades ago, it would have seemed impossible for one to communicate with someone halfway across the world in real-time, that too at an affordable price, but here we are. Today, we can not only talk but actually video chat with someone halfway […]

7 Ways to Look Confident in an Interview


Some of the most brilliant, confident students become anxious train wrecks during their interviews. And it is quite understandable. It is hard. You are taking your first step towards making a career. The whole setting is completely different from your college and mock interviews you might have done. But there are a few things that […]

Why do an MBA in Marketing? Career Options & Prospects


Specializing in MBA Marketing is a challenge many like to take. Why is it a challenge? Marketing is all about promoting a certain product or service to the consumer. And the challenge comes from the part where one has to appeal to human nature, which can be quite unpredictable, thus, making marketing one of the […]

Top Reasons to Study BBA Degree


Are you considering enrolling in for a BBA degree course? You are making a good choice if you want to pursue a career in business administration. As the world economy grows, there’s going to be a huge requirement for BBA and MBA graduates. However, if you are still on the fence about the whole decision, […]

10 Reasons to choose Presidency University


Presidency University is one of the fastest rising private universities in Bengaluru. It has been a university that has grown leaps and bounds in a short amount of time and is on its way to becoming one of the biggest educational institutes in the whole of South India. But these are not the only things […]

Future Scope of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering. Mechanical engineers have been thriving ever since the industrial age. They are the ones responsible for the inventions and innovations of modern technology. Mechanical engineering is seeing a further boost thanks to today’s fast-growing technology. The profession is all about making smart designs and concepts, […]

7 Great Reasons to Get a Master of Laws (LLM)


7 Great Reasons to Get a Master of Laws (LLM) Getting a master of laws degree is a great prospect career-wise. Law is one of the most sought after careers in most countries. It also brings about a natural respect for the person who achieves this feat. Getting a bachelor’s law degree is not easy, […]

Career Opportunities after Petroleum Engineering


The profession of petroleum engineer has been around for than a century now. It was first introduced in 1914. Even after the invention of many new energy sources, petroleum still remains the topmost source of energy with a lot of scope to make a career in it. Petroleum engineers are concerned with the exploration and […]

12 Reasons Why You Should Join a Student Organization


Students are already busy with so many things then why add the burden of joining a student organization to it? The truth is, student organizations are not only for the betterment of your personal life, but they are also just as important for your professional life. Still, need convincing? Here are 12 reasons you should […]

Stories about Student Organizations


One of the best things about Presidency University is the many wonderful student organizations. Student organizations are an important part of campus life. They ensure students grow beyond just academics. They are a fabulous place to unwind, meet like-minded students, and have a better outlook on life. These student organizations also actually have a positive […]

Student Guide: Choosing Top Management College in Bangalore

Student Guide Choosing Top Management College in Bangalore

Bangalore is one of the best places to do an MBA. However, the city is rife with MBA colleges and B-schools. There are so many to choose from. Plus, you have to be careful which college you choose, as it can make or break your career. MBA is not an easy and cheap course to […]
