The Presidency Foundation Skill Development Center held its 4th graduation ceremony at Beary’s Welfare Association, Bengaluru, on June 28, 2024.

The chief guest was Mr. Atturu Chaiyabba, Chief Administration Officer, Beary Welfare Association, Bengaluru. Mr. Salman Ahmed, Trustee & Director, Presidency Foundation; Dr. Dhanamjaya, Vice Chancellor, Presidency University; and Ms. Aditi Awasthi, Head of Corporate Communications, Presidency University, were the key officials of the Presidency fraternity who graced the occasion. Partners from the same domain—Lifeline Foundation, Milat Foundation, and Tata Strive—were also among the attendees.
The chief guests awarded certificates to 293 students who completed their course across various programs including Assistant Beauty Therapist, Self-employed Tailoring, and Work Place. The event also featured trainer briefings on the center’s achievements, cultural performances by the students, and testimonials from students about their experiences and learning journey at the center.
The event concluded on a promising note, with Mr. Salman Ahmed talking about the way forward by opening more such centers in various parts of Bengaluru. Mr. Sameet Joshi, Head, ISR, congratulated the graduates during his vote of thanks.