The Department of Learning and Development was established in 2017 at Presidency University to bridge the gap between industry and academia, focusing primarily on developing the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes among students. The department prepares students to be equipped with the competencies required to succeed in the corporate environment.

The department has experienced and seasoned trainers from corporate and academic backgrounds. It caters to all the schools of the university, like the School of Engineering, the School of Management, the School of Law, the School of Commerce, the School of Design, the School of Information Science, and the School of Media Studies.

The team develops the soft skills courses which are industry-oriented integrating them with new age pedagogy. The modules offered by the department focus on building vital skills like communication, self-confidence, empathy, problem solving, design thinking, critical thinking, stress management, professional brand building, power dressing, facing interviews, and group discussions. We prepare the students in aptitude training, with an emphasis on verbal ability, quantitative reasoning, and logical reasoning.

The team pioneers many initiatives of the university, like placement boot camp, employability workshops, speakathons, scavenger races, the book-a-day challenge, L&D bytes, goal setting for students, L&D Star, and many more.

Soft Skill Faculty & COD for L&D Dept
Adjunct - Aptitude Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer
Aptitude Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer
Adjunct - Soft skill Trainer
Soft Skill Faculty
Soft Skill Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer
Soft Skill Trainer