Communication Design

This program focuses on the fundamentals of Communication Design, and enables learners to choose between Graphic Design and Visual Representation of information via electronic and new media. The specialization also provides an understanding of both pathways and their applications. The course will also offer inputs in motion graphics and introduction to special effects

Communication has evolved to become increasingly visual due to technological advancements, giving us new and more ways to communicate and consume information. Visual communication now extends these options by not limiting us to just words or phrases but also including pictures, images, audio and video. Visual Communication is rapidly developing in tandem with new media that is transforming how the world communicates, discovers information and has dramatically increased the potential of sharing information across the world. In fact, no part of human life – whether our everyday lives, business & commerce, politics, global connect, entertainment, education or recreation, is unaffected by new media. Today, media and communication is a leading sector spearheading globalization and is a powerful agent transforming social, cultural, economic and political realms. As it falls uniquely in areas of both science and technology which is in continuous advancement, further transformation of media and communication is inevitable, therefore demanding agility, adaptability and human-centred approach from communication designers worldwide.

Along with the fundamentals of Graphic Design, the Communication Design program at PCDS prepares learners in the area of New Media design as well. The program enables the learners to design graphical and visual representation of information for electronic and new media such as AR/VR and their applications. Moreover, the capacity of graduates of the communication design program would include information and data visualisation, information design and representing statistical data. The program will also offer inputs in motion graphics and introduction to special effects. Learners will be equipped with the entire gamut of techniques and skills preparing them for a variety of design roles in the present as well as in the future of this ever-expanding field.
